From: Sally Hathaway (
1 Sep 2001

Bear Creek Township in the southwestern part of CC was named from the tradition that states that an immense bear was killed on the creek that now bears the same name. Prior to the organization of CC, the township was part of Montgomery County, being taken from it and joined to the portion subtracted from Shelby to make the new section in 1839. The first settlers were in 1829.

Harper's Ferry, a Cemetery is located there now
Bond's Point
Jernigan's Bridge
Hell's Half Acre 1855
Old Coal Mine
Methodist Preacher 1836
Presbyterian Peacher 1836
First Protestant Sermon 1836
Christian Advent Church 1879 1881 1882 1909-1910
Methodist Episcopal Church South land bought 1893
Clarksdale 1871
Palmer 1869
Bond's Point ceased to exist 1879
Traylor, Anderson and Fletcher Anderson Cemetery
Durbin Cemetery
