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From: Bob Buckles (
Subject: Buckles Settle in Christian County, IL
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 05:45:09 -0700

From the Christian County Newspaper ( August 1914)

Aged Edinburg Lady Has Missed Many Pleasures

Mrs. Susan Buckles, who lives with her son, Jacob Buckles five miles northwest of Edinburg, is not only one of the oldest citizens of Christian county, but enjoys a distinction which very few , and perhaps no other person near her age in the county enjoys. Mrs. Buckles passed the ninety-first milestone of her life on the 12th of this month and at that age has never had a train ride or street car ride and has had only one automobile ride which she took with Thomas Hooper about two years ago.

Mrs. Buckles was born in Virginia on August 12, 1823. She spent the early years of her life there and was married to Robert Buckles. In 1855, when their son Robert, had just passed the age which he could be drafted into the army, as many were being drafted in Virginia while it had not begun is this state, they left Virginia with Mr. Buckles' brothers, Ephraim and Aaron, and sister Mary, and drove across country in the old fashion style to this state, starting on March 29th and arriving at their destination, 2 miles northwest of where Roby is now located, just one month later, on May 29th. (this appears to be a mistake on dates). They lived there only a short time, moving then to the old home place northwest of Edinburg where Robert Buckles Sr. died shortly after. Later, Mrs. Buckles married his brother, Ephraim, who died about thirty-five years ago . Five children were born of the first union, two of whom, Mrs. Jennie Lehman of Palmer, and Robert of Fountain Grove, MO, still survive.

To the second union, three children were born, Mann, of Roby, and Jacob of near Edinburg, with now Mrs. Buckles lives, surviving . Besides these are 15 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren living.

Although Mrs. Buckles, all her life has enjoyed good health and although old age has now begun to show its work quite clearly in her gray locks and in the face to those who know her best, she is quite vigorous for one so far advanced in years and her friends are hoping that she will be permitted to remain in this life many more years.

Data furnished by: Bob O. Buckles, Jr e-mail: website: